What are some of the other things we do?
- Service Auction
- Margaret Circle
- Adopt-A-Road
- Book Club
- Alternative Energy Group
This is one of our primary fundraising events, and tons of fun! Members contribute and then bid on one another's goods and services, anything from jewelry and CD players to dinners, trips, and Spanish lessons. Great food too!
Want to get together with other women for lunch, coffee, dessert, and stimulating conversation? This is the group for you (named after Margaret Fuller, a famous UU of the 19th century). Join Kathie, Kathy, Peg, Judy, Arlene and others at the UU Center each month. A topic is selected beforehand and sometimes there is homework! Recent topics have been Taoism and Kuan Yin, the Chinese Goddess of Compassion, evolution, Ralph Waldo Emerson's Self-Reliance, and Phantom of the Opera.

Members of our congregation keep the roadside clean along about a mile stretch near the site of our building, at Liebig Ave and Pomona Rd (County Route 575) in Galloway.
An informal group of book-lovers meet once a month in members' homes, usually on the third Friday of the month. The books are selected by the group, and we are often able to reserve copies in the Atlantic and Cape May County Libraries. Recent reads have included The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time, The Secret Life of Bees, The Alchemist, and The Life of Pi.
About once a month a group interested in alternative energy meets to discuss the latest scientific and business-oriented news in this area.